Friday, April 3, 2009

Zaccheus and an Easter House

My old neighbor, bible study leader and friend, Trisha, generously shared her Easter VBS curriculum with me recently. It's designed to be a 4-day week-long preschool, with each day teaching part of the Easter story. A whole week is a little intense for our life right now, so we are doing the curriculum at playgroup this month. This week Caley learned about when Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey and the people praised him with palm leaves. It was so fun for the kids to take turns being Jesus while everyone else shook their palm leaves saying, "Hosanna! Blessed be the name of the Lord!" Next week the playgroup is doing a ballet dance at the retirement center. Miss Acacia has been teaching them a routine to "Somewhere Over the Rainbow." 

This week at Gerlach school we did the reading book--Caley is up to lesson 28. We also read about Zaccheus in the Bible and did a little play. The moustached doll is Zaccheus and Caley is Jesus in this video:

We also made an Easter house! Actually it was a leftover Christmas gingerbread house (THIS is why I hoard stuff--I got the gingerbread kit for $1 in January). We dyed the frosting pastel colors and put it together. The girls were mostly eating the candy, or at least licking it before putting it on the house. It's not really fair for me to expect any different, they're only 4 and 1.

Another thing to note is the girls storytime behavior--they're awesome! This week at storytime they sat next to each other, intently listening to Miss Monica read the books. While the other kids (mostly Amelia's age) were running around being crazy-like, Caley helped Amelia sit and had her arm around her. It was so cute! Storytime is an integral part of Gerlach School, because they learn to listen to someone other than Mommy.

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