Friday, February 12, 2010

Weekly Wrap Up: Taking it Easy

We didn't do a "Five in a Row" (FIAR) book this week but we did get back to our semi-normal routine. Mostly this week involved going to our regular groups like women's group and playgroup, running errands, playing games and reading lots of books. We also spent a lot of time cuddling with Wesley!

Next week we will get back into the routine of FIAR with the book "A Pair of Red Clogs."

Friday however, we took a trip to the Edmonds library and made some Valentine's Day cards, and the girls had a lot of fun. We went last year too. The library had all the materials and handled all the clean up, so we just went and crafted for nearly two hours.

This week also we have been working on general obedience and teaching the girls how to play and keep themselves busy while Mommy is busy caring for Wesley. Much of this is in the form of making Caley doing things for herself, like putting on her own socks and shoes, instead of doing it for her. Generally she will get frustrated and yell or cry because she can't do it (or is unwilling to try) and I have to be persistent in telling her she's doing fine and I won't be able to help her. A little bit of frustration is good--it teaches them to keep trying.
Caley is getting better at reading, or at least recognizing words. Grama and Papa Bales gave her some Disney books with a pen that reads the words on the page. Caley plays with the books while in the car and is getting better at recognizing words and letters. She also is interested in writing words and regularly asks how to spell something. During these instances I try to help her figure out what letter is next instead of just telling her. For example she wanted to write "Apple Cider Day" because she and Amelia were drinking apple cider. I helped her sound out the letters in "apple" and then told her to add an "e" on the end because it's silent. Teachable moments!

Something that I'm also working on is patience, and could use prayers for patience in learning how to manage three kids. So far it's going okay, but there are better days than others. Thankfully little Wesley is a good sleeper and I've been getting adequate sleep at night. I just need to learn to rest during the day when I can instead of go go go around the house. Although a small victory in the "managing three kids" category on Wednesday--getting all three to nap at the same time!
Thursday night Caley had a Daddy Date and Amelia had a Mommy Date. I'm not allowed to know what happened on the Daddy Date but I think it involved getting me a present. :) For the Mommy Date Amelia and I sat in the upstairs bathroom and listened to music, ate candy, painted our nails and did makeup! She's such a beauty queen.
Until next time...happy learning!

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