Saturday, September 17, 2011

Week 2 in the bag!

We had a great second week of school! We finished up our study in plants, seeds, and roots. We planted grass at the end of last week and watched it grow this week, recording what we had observed. We also planted random seeds in some little clay pots and will see what grows in the next few weeks.

Caley is really enjoying her math study. She loves doing her weather chart and math worksheets every day. She's also really blowing me away with her reading.

We have been studying Ruth and read about half a chapter per day and talk about it. We got Caley her own Bible, the ESV Seek and Find Bible. It has all the ESV text like our personal Bibles, but also includes illustrations and "Seek and Find" questions and simplified versions of the stories. I really enjoy it because she can read along with me as I read the text in my own Bible.

This next week we are studying grain, wheat, and yeast. We will bake bread and examine different flours.Only 6 weeks left in this quarter and then it's BABY TIME!

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