Friday, June 18, 2010

Amelia's Goals 2010-2011

Amelia is, of course, part of homeschooling as well and now that she will be 3, next school year I will "officially" do school with her. Which really means we will be doing the reading book. I have already done a few lessons with her and she really enjoys it. She's a bright kiddo and picks up on a lot already. So here are some goals specifically for Amelia.

  • Learn Bible stories and memorize Bible verses (shorter than ones Caley's learning)
  • Work through "Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons," repeating lessons as necessary
  • Show knowledge of counting and shapes
  • Show interest in writing her name
  • Learn conflict resolution with her siblings
  • Potty Training


Melody C. Bondurant said...

Hey, thanks for inviting me. I've been interested in checking this out, but never got around to sending the request.

I just started "100 easy lessons" with Justus and was wondering what a good Math source would be. You've done Saxton and 5 in a row. What do you recommend?

Addie said...

Hey Mel
I haven't started Saxon yet for math. Five in a Row is a unit study that includes aspects of math in the context of whatever is being taught that week, frequently we did math while cooking or counting pictures in the book. Justus is 5? you might be wise to see how he would do with something like Saxon since it goes in an order much like they teach in public school. But if you're not worried about that and want to focus on reading mostly, Five in a Row might be easier and more enjoyable for you and your dear boys. :)