Monday, June 14, 2010

And we're done!

The beautiful summer-y weekend combined with my parents taking the girls to Astoria this week means that summer is here and the school year is done! We did school last week and read a charming book called "Very Last First Time" by Jan Andrews. It's about Eva, an Inuit in northern Canada, who goes under the ice and walks along the seabed and collects mussels. We studied about arctic animals, talked about appropriate clothing for the season, counted and graphed goldfish crackers, did puzzles, read bible stories, and drew a spider that we had captured.
It was a fun week, but more importantly it was a fun and exciting year for our school! The countdown has begun for the fall when it will be officially Caley's kindergarten year and we will dive into this adventure we've been practicing for several years. I'm a little nervous. What if I don't have my lessons all planned out? What if she doesn't stay on track with the math schedule I've written up? What if it's raining and we can't do the outside project I planned? I think this adventure will be a continuous exercise in trusting God. I tend to feel confident when I've prepared as much as I can, instead of relying on God that he will teach me and the kids what he has for us! I'm excited for this adventure!

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