Tuesday, December 16, 2008

A different kind of school

Mommy here. We've been doing a different kind of school this month. In addition to our usual weekly routine which includes playgroup and storytime, we've been doing going to the children's museum and doing various service projects, for lack of a better description. But on Mondays and Fridays, our usual home days when we do "school," we haven't been doing the reading book. Read this entry on our family blog, and you'll see that we've drastically cut down on Caley's TV time. Instead, Caley's learning how to keep herself busy by reading books, playing with toys, or coloring. And I'm learning how to take time to read with her more regularly and just slow life down a bit. 

In 2009, we'll put projects and the reading book back into her school schedule. But TV won't be in the schedule like it was a few months ago. This month Caley has been learning to not need TV and movies as much, because now they're more of a novelty!

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